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Back to home page, ACPR Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution - Banque de France

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Last updated : 30 August 2024

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Category : Credit institution

Company which authorisation withdrawal is in process : No

Results numbers : 874

Beware of scams and identity theft

You must verify that the institution(s) listed below correspond(s) to your search.
The details in the register (legal name, commercial name, address, registration number) must be strictly identical to those of the institution you are looking for.
Be particularly vigilant against the risk of identity theft. Scammers use official data from authorized professionals to deceive public trust. Consult the ACPR and AMF blacklists and alerts ( Please note that these lists cannot be exhaustive.

In the case of institutions registered in other European countries that operate in France through a branch or through the freedom to provide services, it is strongly recommended to check the registers published by the supervisory authorities of the home countries (you will find a link through these registers on the description notices of the concerned institutions).
The European Banking Authority (EBA) also publishes European registers, based on the information provided by each national supervisory authority (Credit institutions register - CIR, for credit institutions, Payment institutions register - PIR, for payment institutions, electronic money institutions and their agents). They can be accessed via the following link:

Search results
REGAFI identifierNameTrade nameNational identifier (SIREN number for French entities)LEIBank code (CIB)CategoryInstitution TypeStatus
13816SOCIETE GENERALE FactoringCGA, CGFAC, Compagnie Générale d'Affacturage, SOGE FACTORING702016312969500O6YKL9S5XGAP9817060Credit institutionSpecialised Credit institutionLegal entity/ Company
8339Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Languedoc RoussillonCE LANGUEDOC ROUSSILLON, SODLER3834512679695001BN7B574TIZH4313485Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company
54589The Export-Import Bank of ChinaChina Exim Bank482561958894500OD68E00KVCKZ3916618Credit institutionBankBranch
21648Banque Chaabi du MarocCHAABI BANK722047552969500LMCDZA0RTATI4241439Credit institutionBankLegal entity/ Company
6936CFM Indosuez WealthCFM Indosuez, CFM Indosuez Wealth Management56S003415493007USZNUUKBOLU3212739Credit institutionBankLegal entity/ Company
11268Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-BanqueCFCAL-BANQUE568501282969500YEPXWE78XJIB3115149Credit institutionBankLegal entity/ Company
5712Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Bourgogne Franche-ComtéCEBFC3524833419695009GVHASHCJ1D12212135Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company
12546CCF SFHCCF SFH480034917969500HCJLWDO4YCYT4016058Credit institutionSpecialised Credit institutionLegal entity/ Company
18012Carrefour banqueCARREFOUR BANQUE, CARREFOUR BQ ASSURANCE313811515969500GVS02SJYG9S63219870Credit institutionBankLegal entity/ Company
9964Caisse Française de Financement LocalCAISSE FRANCAISE DE FINANCEMENT LOCAL421318064549300E6W08778I4OW8514388Credit institutionSpecialised Credit institutionLegal entity/ Company