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Welcome to REGAFI. The Financial Firms Register.

Last updated : 25 July 2024

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Information contained in REGAFI

The Financial Agents Register (Regafi) lists all companies, French or foreign, that have been granted authorisations to operate in France by the ACPR.It also lists the agents of French payment institutions, operating either in France or in other States party to the agreement on the European Economic Area.


In the case of non-French companies, the register indicates whether the company conducts its activities via its French branches or directly from its country of origin (under the freedom to provide service procedure, reserved for companies originating from European Economic Area member countries).However, the register does not list foreign payment institutions and electronic money issuers licensed to operate in France via a branch, under the freedom to provide services, via agents, or via electronic money distributors.This information may be obtained from the registers maintained by the authorities of the countries where these foreign payment institutions and electronic money issuers have their head offices.


In addition, the Financial Agents Register lists companies to which the ACPR has granted an authorisation to conduct banking activities in Monaco.


For each company registered with the ACPR, the Regafi register lists the banking activities, investment services and payment services that it is authorised to exercise in France.


Information regarding the operating authorisations obtained by French companies in other European companies may be obtained by consulting the registers maintained by the authorities of the countries concerned.The addresses of these authorities’ updated websites are available on the EBA’s website (click here). In the case of French payment and electronic money institutions operating abroad, the information is available in the Regafi register (branches, operating under the freedom to provide services, agents of payment services and the list of countries in which the electronic money institution has appointed distributors). 


The authorisation of an institution is indicated as “being withdrawn” when the institution in question has been the object of an authorisation withdrawal decision by the ACPR (either at its own request or automatically in the cases provided for by law) but is still authorised to operate in the framework of a transitional period during which it may exercise banking activities or investment services strictly for the purposes of closing out its accounts.














See french version