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Back to home page, ACPR Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution - Banque de France

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Last updated : 26 July 2024

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Category : Credit institution

Company which authorisation withdrawal is in process : No

Results numbers : 875

Beware of scams and identity theft

You must verify that the institution(s) listed below correspond(s) to your search.
The details in the register (legal name, commercial name, address, registration number) must be strictly identical to those of the institution you are looking for.
Be particularly vigilant against the risk of identity theft. Scammers use official data from authorized professionals to deceive public trust. Consult the ACPR and AMF blacklists and alerts ( Please note that these lists cannot be exhaustive.

In the case of institutions registered in other European countries that operate in France through a branch or through the freedom to provide services, it is strongly recommended to check the registers published by the supervisory authorities of the home countries (you will find a link through these registers on the description notices of the concerned institutions).
The European Banking Authority (EBA) also publishes European registers, based on the information provided by each national supervisory authority (Credit institutions register - CIR, for credit institutions, Payment institutions register - PIR, for payment institutions, electronic money institutions and their agents). They can be accessed via the following link:

Search results
REGAFI identifierNameTrade nameNational identifier (SIREN number for French entities)LEIBank code (CIB)CategoryInstitution TypeStatus
20935ING Bank NV791866890984500849A50A6B1B48430438Credit institutionBranch
1342Crédit Agricole S.A.784608416969500TJ5KRTCJQWXH0530006Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company
21965My Money BankMy Money Bank784393340549300XYJSIN9JGKDH0342799Credit institutionBankLegal entity/ Company
4214CASDEN Banque Populaire784275778969500W8LGZQUL2KL24211307Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company
5500Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de la CorseCREDIT AGRICOLE DE LA CORSE, CREDIT AGRICOLE MUTUEL DE LA CORSE7829892069695004NR7T2BKZFQL0312006Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company
11657Caisse agricole Crédit Mutuel778200741969500D8YMZCD2TDNN0215429Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company
7215Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du FinistèreCrédit agricole du Finistère77813460196950008DNO3H80I068212906Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company
12451Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Morbihan7779038169695008F57RGP8WJVD0916006Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company
11702Caisse de Bretagne de crédit mutuel agricole777555848969500YOM7PBQMJLNE6615449Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company
5928Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel des Côtes-d'ArmorCREDIT AGRICOLE DES COTES D'ARMOR, CREDIT AGRICOLE MUTUEL DES COTES D'ARMOR7774561799695005GXM695D8LUY5812206Credit institutionMutual or Cooperative BankLegal entity/ Company