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Welcome to REGAFI. The Financial Firms Register.

Last updated : 30 August 2024

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Registered name : LA MAISON SAINT-GOBAIN

REGAFI identifier : 89950

Company description 

Company description

  • Registered name : LA MAISON SAINT-GOBAIN
  • SIREN : 815142443
Exempt firm - Payment institution
  • Date of authorisation/registration : 12/09/2022
  • Head office address : 216-218 avenue Jean Jaurès
  • Post code : 75019
  • City : PARIS
  • Country : FRANCE
  • Comment : -
  • List of reasons for exemption

    Ticked activity1.Services based on specific payment instruments that can be used only in a limited way that meet one of the following conditions:
    1.1instruments allowing the holder to acquire goods or services only in the premises of the issuer or within a limited network of service providers under direct commercial agreement with a professional issuer
    Ticked activity1.2instruments which can be used only to acquire a very limited range of goods or services
    2.Payment transactions by a provider of electronic communications networks or services provided in addition to electronic communications services for a subscriber to the network or service: EXCL_201 2.1. for purchase of
    2.1for purchase of digital content and voice-based services, regardless of the device used for the purchase or consumption of the digital content and charged to the related bill
    2.2performed from or via an electronic device and charged to the related bill within the framework of a charitable activity or for the purchase of tickets

Last updated : 30 August 2024