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Welcome to REGAFI. The Financial Firms Register.

Last updated : 19 September 2024

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Registered name : Société pour la promotion des professionnels liberaux de Lorraine "SOPROLIB LORRAINE "

REGAFI identifier : 19744

Company description Activities based
in France

Company description

  • Registered name : Société pour la promotion des professionnels liberaux de Lorraine "SOPROLIB LORRAINE "
  • Legal Form : Société coopérative de caution mutuelle à capital variable -Art. L515-4 à L515-12
  • SIREN : 321748600
  • LEI : 9695009J1ZQH0NJ8SW77
  • Bank code (CIB) : 26379
Financing Company
  • Authorisation type : Licenced by ACPR
  • Status : Legal entity/ Company
  • Date of authorisation/registration : 20/05/2015
  • Head office address : 3 rue François de Curel
  • Post code : 57000
  • City : METZ
  • Country : FRANCE
Unticked activityAPI fallback mechanism exemption

Activities based
in France

The activities for which the company has been authorised have been ticked.

Unticked activityRegulated guarantees

Last updated : 19 September 2024